• (02) 6772 9123
  • mail@snelandcare.org.au

    Services & Equipment

    Agroforestry Peer Group Mentoring

    Southern New England Landcare boasts six local landholders who have been trained in Peer Mentoring for Agroforestry type projects. If you or someone you know would like to find out how to go about an agroforestry project on some land in the Southern New England region, we are happy to set you up in the process. Here's how it works:

    Other Services

    Did you know that most of our services are free for members and member groups? We can help you with:

    1. Mentoring, skills and capacity building
    2. Group meeting and event facilitation or coordination
    3. Project applications
    4. Agroforestry Peer Group Mentoring, which includes site visit, site report and up to 4 visits by trained mentor/s
    5. Development of your project from Expression of Interest stage to full project plan/application (desk-top or on-farm)

    Please contact us on 6772 9123 to discuss your needs.

    Equipment Hire

    Southern New England Landcare has a range of tree planting and other equipment available for members to hire, ranging from field day equipment to planting equipment. Contact us on 02 6772 9123 or mail@snelandcare.org.au to discuss.

    Our Proud Supporters

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    EOI Form

    Do you have a project that could benefit from a grant? Would you neighbours like to particpate?

    Our Landcare Coordinator can help develop project ideas, action plan next steps, and source funding!

    Tell us about it using our

    Expression of Interest Form