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    Completed Projects

    2024 PHN Mental Health First Aid

    Funds: $27,000

    Source: This project is supported Primary Heatlh Network 

    This project will improve wellbeing and resilience of people in rural communities around Walcha, Uralla and Guyra, and increase their capacity to deal with challenges to mental health from drought. We will engage up to 60 people and deliver three Mental Health First Aid workshops to communities affected by drought.

    Please click here to see more information and to register your interest to attend a Mental Health First Aid course. 

    2018 NT Koala Tracking Project

    Funds: $2500

    The public will be invited to report koala sightings to SNEL by phone or email from May to September 2018.

    SNEL will collect information from the reporter on a standard form, collecting the following key information:

    • Live or dead koala
    • Number of koalas
    • Reporters name, phone number, email.
    • Location of sighting (more information needed if not on the reporter’s land),
    • Date and time of sighting.

    SNEL will then email key personnel requesting a site visit to record data and collect scats for analysis and uploading to NSW Bionet Atlas.


    2014 UNE Koala Vegetation Survey

    Funding $2000

    Koala Vegetation Survey - commissioned by Facilities Management Services. Location - UNE campus.


    2020-2021 SOS NT Koala Partnership Project

    Funds: $170,000

    This project saw Southern New England Landcare host a Koala Project Officer with funding from Saving Our Species, through DPIE. The dedicated Project Officer, with assistance from Southern New England Landcare, facilitated a Project Advisory Committee, prepared a Project Implementation Plan, hosted a forum of regional stakeholders, collated data sources and maps of priority areas, coordinated community field events, coordinated community contributions to koala tracking programs, engaged landholders, sourced grants, facilitated a draft regional fire management plan and a regional koala disease plan of action.


    2019 OEH Koala Project

    Funds $10,000

    Service Level Agreement developed to deliver one element of the SOS Iconic Koala Project which sets broad conservation actions for the koala across NSW, including the mitigation of threats to koalas, idientifcation and usage of koala habitat and management and rehabilitation of koala habitat on private lands. Saving our Species staff will work collaboratively with Southern New England Landcare Ltd to ensure this agreement can deliver its objectives.


    2022-2024 UNE Drought Resilient Pasture Landscapes

    Funds: $89,397

    Source: Australian Government's Future Drought Fund, via University of New England

    The purpose of this project is to trial and demonstrate how scaling of particular practices (or combinations of practices) to improve management of natural capital, can build drought resilience. Through this, the project aims to create and communicate an evidence base and case studies that contribute to scaling out the successful practices.

    2022 CSIRO National Koala Monitoring Plan

    Funds: $20,000

    From February 2022 to June 2023, Southern New England Landcare will coordinate monitoring for the presence of koalas in key areas of the Armidale region.

    The project is funded by the Australian Government.


    2021-2022 NSW Koala Monitoring Framework

    Funds: $19,999

    The 2021-2022 Koala Monitoring Framework secured funds to deliver the monitoring and surveying component of our 2020-2022 Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership project. It deployed 50 audio moths at nominated sites across the Armidale region, and downloaded data for submission in a report to the Department of Planning and Environment for analysis.


    2020-2023 ARC Koala Drinker Project

    Funds: $2400
    This project will purchase and install camera traps on a series of koala drinkers in the Armidale Regional Council area. We will coordinate community volunteers to check the drinkers on a regular basis to ensure the batteries and SD cards are maintained and download the data.

    2022-2023 Weedy Wasteland to Wildlife Wetland

    Grant funds: $290,030

    This Project was led by Armidale Urban Rivercare Group to rehabilitate a highly weed-infested section of Dumaresq Creek, between Holmes Avenue and Kennedy Street, in Armidale NSW.

    The WW2WW Project removed exotic woody weeds, installed a wetland to filter the creek water, and replanted riparian areas with local indigenous native plants.

    The Armidale Urban Rivercare Group partnered with Aquatic Ecology and Restoration Research Centre at the University of New England to design the Wetland Plan and the Armidale Tree Group to select and grow riparian and wetland plants. They worked closely with the Armidale Regional Council, and met with nearby organisations such as the Armidale Equestrian Centre and O’Connor High School as the project progressed.

    Local residents, dog owners and interested community members engaged in the project at community meetings, regular working bees and spontaneous conversations as the on- ground works took place. Picnic tables, Dog swimming access points and access areas with ‘clear lines of sight’ along the creek were established creating a place where people can connect and interact with Dumaresq Creek and the wetland and watch it grow.

    Armidale Urban Rivercare Group would like to thank and acknowledge the support of AURG volunteers and contractors, Armidale Regional Council, Sarah Mika and Ben Vincent from the Aquatic Ecology and Restoration Research Centre, secondary student volunteers, 2rog, GeoLINK, Armidale Dumaresq Lions Club and all of the many suppliers.

    Proudly funded by the NSW Government.

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    2021-2022 Protecting New England Biodiversity

    This project developed landholder networks to enable landholders undertaking private land conservation (PLC) to develop knowledge and obtain peer support. It assisted them to feel more connected and supported in their private land conservation activities.

    During the project Southern New England Landcare coordinated three local field days and one regional event that activated peer to peer learning about private land conservation. We developed a case study, where PLC landholders share “in their own words” stories to assist others. 

    This project commenced September 2021 and was completed in December 2022. Funding for this project was sourced from the partnership between Landcare NSW Inc and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

    Bushfire Recovery: animal welfare and veterinary workshops

    Funds: $15,787

    Source: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services in partnership withe the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.

    During the months from February to May 2021, this project provided landholders and community members opportunities to train to increase their knowledge and capacity for Animal Welfare and Veterinary recovery measures resulting from bushfires. These opportunities extended measures to improve their overall preparedness in the event of similar events in the future across 6 local areas in the Southern New England.

    2021-2022 Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership Project

    Funds: $100,000

    The Northern Tablelands region was identified as an important area for the future of koalas. It has several koala populations that are not subject to the same population and development pressures as those on the coast. The region may also be more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate.

    Recent research has indicated the Northern Tablelands has a resilient yet sparse koala population with small areas recognised as “hotspots” for koala movement a stable koala populations. Dedicated staff capacity was identified as a limiting factor in delivering successful conservation programs. In the 2020-21 financial year, the Northern Tablelands Koala Conservation Project was funded by the NSW government under the Saving our Species Iconic Koala Project.

    The project has now established partnerships with research, government, industry and community organisations that help provide knowledge and resources to achieve the ambitious Year 1 project objectives.


    2020 Maximising Plant Survival Short Film

    Funds: $5000

    Source: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services

    Achieving successful revegetation is not easy. Numerous steps in the process have to be well done in order to attain success. Given the significant human and economic resources required to revegetate an area, maximising plant survival is imperative. This short informative video - Maximising Plant Survival Post-Planting - is a good resource for landholders undertaking revegetation projects. Watch the film here.

    2020 Revegetating Urandangie Creek

    Funds: $5000

    Source: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services

    Considerable work has been done along Urandangie Creek near Guyra, as part of the High Country Urban Biodiversity Project and by the owner of 'Urandangie'. Inspired by this, adjacent landholders on Urandangie Creek started to protect this important tributary to the region's water supply (Malpas Dam). This grant purchased plants for a section of Urandangie Creek that has been fenced (and off-stream water infrastrucutre constructed).

    2020-2023 Re-connecting Thunderbolt Country

    Funds: $99,996

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    A grant to the value of $100,000 has been awarded so that landholders in the Uralla district can restore habitat connectivity for threatened fauna and flora.

    2020-2021 Community Events

    Funds: $16,460

    Source: Primary Health Network (PHN) Hunder New England and Central Coast

    We will run 8 community events across the region for drought affected landholders and community members between June 2020 and June 2021.

    Kentucky Community BBQ & Rain Dance

    Funds: $3500

    Source: Rural Adversity Mental Health Program and Harnham Landcare Group - a sub-group of Southern New England Landcare Ltd

    Folks in the Kentucky, Wollun, Uralla, Walcha, or Woolbrook areas were invited to take a break from the drought on Saturday 2nd November 2019. Harnham Landcare group and Southern New England Landcare hosted a free Kentucky Community BBQ and Rain-Dance with catering by Dale and Dani Goodwin of Fat Butcher BBQ, live music by Pantor, kids face painting and more.

    Managing Holistically Out Of The Drought

    Funds: $8000

    Source: Landcare Australia Ltd

    Are you ready for rain? What will the next rain bring you? What will you change in preparation for the next dry spell? What are you learning from this one? These are just some of the questions that Dr Judi Earl had local graziers investigating when she returned to the Southern New England on 26th September 2019 to run a three-day course, 'Managing Holistically Out of the Drought'.

    2019-2023 Local Landcare Coordinator

    Funds: $323,490

    Source: The NSW Landcare Program 2019-2023 is a partnership between LLS and Landcare. It buids on a number of previous Landcare Support Programs, the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative and regional Landcare investment made through National Landcare Program and Catchment Action.

    This project funds the employment of 0.75 FTE Local Coordinators for the Southern New England Region from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2023. The NSW Landcare Program 2019-2023 supports Local Landcare Coordinator positions right across the State. At Southern New England Landcare, the role is job-shared and supplemented with wages from other projects.

    2019-2021 Mustering Members 4 Climate Change Challenges

    Funds: $47,215

    Source: National Landcare Program Phase 2 Smart Farm Small Grants

    This project built awareness, knowledge and skills among 200 members and friends of Southern New England Landcare, around four topics that align with natural resource management and sustainable agriculture priorities identified in our Strategic Plan: feral animal control, revegetation, grazing and pasture management, and soil health.

    2019 Managing Priority Environmental Pest Animals & Alert Species

    Funds: $10,000

    Source: This project is funded through Northern Tablelands Local Land Services under the Feral Fighters Program.

    The aim of this project is to educate the community on best practice control methods of feral cat and Indian Myna in peri urban areas and promote new technologies and strategies including Feral Catc Scan, Indian Myna Scan and Feral Fighters.

    2019 Managing Established Pest Animals and Weeds

    Funds: $6300

    Source: This project was supported by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Landcare NSW through funding received from the Established Pest Animals and Weeds initiative, part of the Australian Government's Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper, the government's plan for stronger farmers and a stronger economy.

    Did you know that if your dog or cat leaves home, your BFF is taking a BIG risk:

    • Injury from fighting risks lifelong problems and expensive vet bills.
    • Unrestrained dogs on farmland are at risk of being shot to protect livestock.
    • Cats on farmland are at risk of being treated like a feral, and trapped or shot to protect wildlife like the endangered Regent Honeyeater.

    2019-2023 Turning the Tide for the Regent Honeyeater

    The Regent Honeyeater is a unique Australian songbird on the verge of extinction, with fewer than 400 estimated to survive in the wild.

    At this level every individual counts, and the Northern Tablelands is significant for the conservation of this critically endangered species as breeding pairs regularly establish nests in our region.

    The “Turning the tide on threatened species - Regent Honeyeater” project is supported with funding over 5 years by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

    2017-2019 Trees on Small Farms Partnership Project

    Funds: $60,000

    Source: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services

    Native vegetation provides significant benefits for domestic livestock, native wildlife and ecosystem health... even on small farms. This project will fund smaller (<200ha) landholders in the Armidale, Guyra, Uralla and Walcha areas to plan and undertake revegetation projects that suit their individual needs, thanks to a partnership project with the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services.

    2016 - 2019 Centennial Avenue Rehabilitation of Dumaresq Creek

    Funds: $83,700

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    Armidale Urban Rivercare Group - a sub group of Southern New England Landcare Ltd, won this grant to restore another 3.2 hectares of native vegetation along 490m of Dumaresq Creek in Armidale, adding to the 4.3km already restored since 2002, by treating weeds, removing waste and planting 21,000 tubestock. 

    2016-17 Agroforestry Peer Group Mentoring

    Funds: $49,983

    Source:National Landcare Program

    Contract: SGR1-0264

    This project will increase the capacity and knowledge of farmers to productively and sustainably manage grazing lands on the Northern Tablelands while also providing future income streams from agroforestry, increasing profitability. It will also improve adoption of appropriate agroforestry management practices that will increase production while maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base.

    2016-2019 Closing the Gap for Threatened New England Fauna

    Funds: $99,998

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    Closing the Gap: functional habitat for threatened New England fauna will help close a key gap in habitat connectivity, between the Dangarsleigh-Enmore area in the east and the Mt Butler-Saumarez Ponds area in the west.

    2015-2017 Quollity Koala Corridors & Questions

    Funds: $96,004

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    In partnership with Citizens Wildlife Corridors we will enhance and protect key wildlife movement corridors by planting new vegetation and protecting remnant vegetation. The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and Spotted Tail Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) are taking centre stage as iconic species being protected. The project will also survey birds as indicator species for assessment of habitat health.


    2014-2015 All the Dirt lll

    Funds: $20,000

    Source: 2014-15 25th Anniversary of Landcare Grants

    Contract: 25ALG-660

    Southern New England Landcare's Malpas Catchment Group will focus on ways to regenerate healthy soil-pasture systems. ‘All the Dirt III’ helped landholders of the Malpas Catchment and Guyra area participate in a 10-month series of class room and farm days to better understand their soils and the relationship between inputs, outputs, soil and pasture analyses, stock management and overall productivity. This project aimed to increase productivity, build capacity of the grazing community to analyse their resource base, and increase knowledge and skills of participants to make management changes for positive production and environmental outcomes.

    2015-2016 Ascent Community Care Program

    Funds: $32,400

    Source: The Ascent Group and the Australian Government

    Contract: SNEL MOU Ascent 2

    The Ascent Group Drought Support Project 2 aims to increase access to community based mental health services for those in drought affected or drought recovery areas. Services include one to one counselling, local community engagement activities and events to increase awareness of mental health issues and link people to appropriate supports and services.

    2014-2016 Moths Magpies & Marsupials

    Funds: $99,898

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    Contract: 2013/RR/0089

    Moths, Magpies & Marsupials is enabling 11 member landholders to rehabilitate and revegetate 20 sites on 11 properties in the Southern New England with the aim of connecting fragmented native vegetation and enhancing biodiversity.

    2014-2016 Agroforestry Peer Mentoring

    Funds: $65,000

    Source: Australian Agroforestry Foundation

    Contract: KHE-518363-26-7

    In September 2014, four keen members flew to Victoria to represent our organisation at the first national workshop for this important pilot project. All four were inspired and ready to get the program started back home on their return. SNE Landcare then delivered an Australian Master TreeGrower program in partnership with the Australian Agroforestry Foundation. The program was conducted over eight days from October to December 2014. Twenty three members and non-members participated in numerous site visits and workshops during that time, on topics related to agroforestry that they largely selected themselves. Twenty two of them graduated with Master TreeGrower (MTG) gate signs.

    Armidale Urban Planting Maintenance

    Funds: $29,000 per year

    Source: Armidale Regional Council

    The Armidale Urban Planting Maintenance (AUPM) partnership project was developed to manage Armidale’s urban environmental assets. Works coordination, reporting, monitoring and evaluation are the responsibility of staff from Southern New England Landcare Ltd, while contractors conduct works and the AUPM working group provides advice and feedback. Maintenance works include removal of weeds, planting, trimming branches and mulching application.

    The program, running since 2014, is made possible with the on-going financial support and direction provided by Armidale Regional Council.

    2014-2015 Water Quality Across Greater Malpas

    Funds: $65,095

    Source: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services

    Contract: NT6513

    This project will improve upland water quality and create protected links across the greater Malpas catchment of the Guyra Plateau by:

    2014-2015 Building Connectivity on Farms

    Funds: $108,030

    Source: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services.

    Contract: NT6519

    The project will connect, increase and enhance existing vegetation and riparian communities across the southern Northern Tablelands region. The project will engage private landholders within the AOI in funded on ground works that:

    2015 Ascent Group Drought Support

    Funds: $25,000

    Source: Australian Government Drought Support Package via the Ascent Group

    New England North West Landcare received funding through a partnership with The Ascent Group to deliver information, services and events as part of the Australian Government Drought Support Package. In partnership with The Ascent Group Landcare Networks across the Northern Tablelands will be delivering information & referral services for landholders across the region as part of the Australian Government's Drought Assistance Package up to 30th June 2015.

    2013-2015 Vegetation Management for Threatened Woodland Birds

    Funds: $99,979

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    Contract: 2012/RR/0011

    The project aimed to manage vegetation and habitat for threatened woodland birds, including Diamond Firetail Finches and Turquoise Parrots. This project protected and rehabilitated 38.8ha of habitat corridors through the planting of 17,300 native seedlings. The project has revegetated or rehabilitated 17 sites in the Southern New England region.

    2013-2014 Coordinated Feral Pig Control Project

    Funds: $50,000

    Source: Border Rivers Gwydir CMA

    Contract: BRG6325

    This project achieved the following outcomes: Establish, resource and coordinate seven new pig control groups; Coordinated, cooperative and strategic pig control program delivered within the defined target area; Conduct a Neospora (protozoan pathogen) Study; Finance towards the production and delivery of the New England/Tablelands Pest Animal Strategy; Support and enhance the communities' capacity to engage in strategic broad scale cooperative feral animal control programs.

    2013 - 2019 Indian Myna Control Program

    Are Indian Mynas turning up at your place?

    If so, you've seen an introduced pest species that is ever encroaching on our area, to the detriment of our local native species. Since 2013, Southern New England Landcare has been calling for help from people in urban and rural areas who wish to be involved in a trapping program to reduce their numbers.

    2012-2015 BMP Carbon Management on Northern Rivers Farms

    Funds: $78,000

    Source: Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority

    Contract: NR-EF-CARMGT-1I

    The projects aim is to establish 25 Best Managment Practice (BMP) Soil Carbon management demonstration farms across a range of industries (beef, sheep, dairy, soybeans, winter cereals vegetables, bananas and grapes) extending from the Richmond catchment in the north to the Hastings catchment in the south. Five of the sites are in the tablelands landscape. Each farmer will be offered a monetary incentive to change land management practices such as application of compost/chicken manure and reduction of nitrogenous fertilisers; application of mulch crops, reuse of dairy by products and implementation of grazing and cropping practices to optimise groundcover with an aim of increasing Soil Organic Carbon (SOC).

    2012-2013 Closing the Gap: Linking Remnants & Wetlands

    Funds: $19,850

    Source: Community Action Grant

    Contract: CAG12-00232

    This project area formed an integral part of the Salisbury Waters system linking with Dangar’s Lagoon upland wetland.  The main environmental issues were the lack of connectivity between key remnant habitats and the loss of soil structure and bank stability through erosion of riparian areas caused by clearing for agriculture during the past 120 years.  Replanting was conducted to re-connect isolated woodland patches across three properties and subsequently improve landscape connectivity for the complete project area.

    2012-2013 Linking Remnant Vegetation to Dangar's Lagoon

    Funds: $19,850

    Source: Community Action Grant

    Contract: CAG12-00232

    The project area forms an integral part of the Salisbury Waters system linking with Dangars Lagoon upland wetland. The main environmental issues are lack of connectivity between key remnant habitats, and loss of soil structure and bank stability through erosion of riparian areas caused by clearing for agriculture during the past 120 years. The project included the fencing out of stock over 4.45km of riparian land, replanting 13.75ha of riparian areas with site-specific native species to re-connect isolated woodland patches across participating properties, improving landscape connectivity, and repair of 1km of eroding creek banks by engaging neighbouring landholders through Harnham Landcare group.

    2012-2013 Engaging Landholders for Threatened Bird Conservation

    Funds: $19,950

    Source: Community Action Grant

    Contract: CAG12-00017

    Habitat loss, fragmentation and modification especially of local and landscape-scale biodiversity corridors has isolated populations of threatened and declining woodland birds on the southern New England tableland. Utilising the results of recent work, this project targetted small groups or ‘focus cells’ of farmers in key areas to protect and re-connect their bush for these birds and other fauna. Emphasis was on bringing together existing and new landholder knowledge and technical resources to improve communication and knowledge sharing for strategically protecting, re-connecting and managing habitat. Engagement was through on-farm meetings, a field day, website, and integration with other initiatives.

    2012 - 2017 Dumaresq Creek Rehabilitation & Restoration Program

    Funds: $44,200

    Source: Clean Energy Future - Biodiversity Fund

    Contract: LSP-944515-1004

    Dumaresq Creek flows through the heart of Armidale and forms part of the upper Macleay River Catchment. Through this project, members aim to further restore the creek through Armidale city, increasing biodiversity and improving habitat connectivity between areas of native vegetation.

    2012-2013 Increasing Established Dung Beetle Populations

    Funds: $3000

    Source: Border Rivers-Gwydir CMA Sustainable Farm Practices Demonstrations, Trials & Community Grants

    Contract: BRG112-SFP-0053

    The project established 6 demonstration sites on farms within the Southern New England to monitor dung beetle activity and map dung beetle species distribution between July 2012 and May 2013. The project gathered baseline data on the distribution of existing populations of native and introduced dung beetle populations and their seasonal presence in the ecosystem.

    2012-2015 Building on past efforts along Tilbuster Ponds

    Contract: LSP-993937-1483

    Funds: $22,400

    Source: Clean Energy Future - Biodiversity Fund

    Tilbuster Ponds Creek is at the headwaters of the Macleay catchment and is a valuable wildlife corridor.  This project aims to restore and rehabilitate a portion of Tilbuster Ponds Creek in the Charleston Willows and Armidale Pine Forest recreation areas. Woody weeds removed from 2 ha of riparian land on Tilbuster Ponds Creek int he Armidale State (Pine) Forest & >2000 native seedlings planted. Field events, community days, photo competition & signage included.

    2012-2013 High Country Wetlands & Woodlands

    Funds: $174,969

    Source: Caring for our Country

    Contract: X0000002776G

    High Country Wetlands and Woodlands extends on the recent HiCUB project well beyond the towns of Guyra, Armidale, Uralla and Walcha into grazing country and woodland areas. The project focused on conserving and increasing the resilience of three nationally listed endangered ecological communities that occur across the northern tablelands. These are Box, Gum Grassy Woodlands, New England Peppermint Woodlands and Upland Wetlands (Lagoons).

    2012-2013 Blair's Gully to Apsley River Biodiversity Corridor

    Funds: $20,020

    Source: Community Action Grant

    Contract: CAG11-00352

    The project involved planting of local endemic species to improve connectivity of threatened woodland ecosystems to the Apsley River corridor and bush regeneration in these remnant areas. Plantings undertaken aim to improve water quality and enhance local biodiversity within the Walcha township. This project connects to a larger urban biodiversity plan for the Walcha township. Bergen Op-Zoom Ohio Landcare Group worked with the Walcha Shire Council and Southern New England Landcare as well as other local community groups, including adjoining Landcare groups, to deliver this project.

    2011-2013 Pest Animal Management & Landholder Engagement

    Funds: $173,000

    Source: Caring for our Country

    Contract: OC12-00403

    The Project was delivered by New England North West Landcare. Field Days have been held in the Upper Horton, Graman, Bonshaw, Glen Morrison, Bendemeer and Tenterfield regions to highlight the damage feral pests are causing to both agriculture and the environment, and the need for co-operative control programs. In just a few months of project activity, coordinated fox control has occurred on over 30,000 hectares and coordinated feral pig control has occurred on over 10,000 hectares throughout the New England North West region.

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